My partner and I have traveled to Italy often over the past 25 years. We came home with various locks and keys found in outdoor flea markets. Recently I’ve been creating paper copies of this collection, some with moving parts, collaged with vintage Italian guidebook pages and maps. This has led to other experiments in paper engineering, including movable paper shears and pinking shears.

These are life size paper replicas of shears that I own and use in the studio. They are made completely out of paper including the hinging mechanism that allows them to open and close. The surface of the cutting blades are covered with tissue pattern pieces from my daughters Laura Ingalls Wilder halloween costume. The handles are covered with entries from an abandon dictionary. SOLD

The locks and keys are replicas of items found in my studio. They are made completely from paper and covered with maps and text from Italian guidebooks.
small keys are $100, large keys are $125
locks are priced from $200 to $325 depending on size
I've created a series of life sized paper measuring tapes. The tape moves in and out of the housing. It is entirely made of paper. The surface is drawn in silverpoint. $125