My linoleum prints are printed on an antique Kelton Press in my studio.
Eastern Screech Owl 2015, linoleum print on rice paper. 7" x 5"
Barred Owl 2015, 3 color linoleum print on rice paper. Edition of 20. The green background varies throughout the edition. 9.5" x 7.5"
Marker Tree 2015, linoleum print inspired by trail marker trees that were intentionally shaped by Native Americans. This one is on a road on Sugar Island, Michigan, printed on rice paper. 20 copies.7" x 5".
Wormwood Street 2015, 2 color linoleum print on rice paper. This is an image of my studio building in Boston. 20 copies. 7" x 5".
Zakim Bridge, Boston 2 color print on rice paper. From the Almost Home edition. 20 copies. 9" x 7.25"
Mackinac Bridge, Michigan 2014, 2 color print on rice paper. From the Almost Home edition. 20 copies. 9" x 7.25"